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Join Us

Becoming a Freemason


We welcome new members so please browse the site and if you feel you would like to find out how to become a freemason in London, and how to join us or just find out more about freemasonry please contact the Secretary. He will happily answer your questions and provide you with further information.


The ISM Lodge was founded in 1902. Our ages range from 23 to nearly 90 and whatever we are, we are equal as Brothers no matter what the profession of those who join us. External rank and fortune is of no importance to freemasonry in general and neither are religious choices, colour, creed or sexual preferences. You don’t have to be a musician but it helps to have an interest in music.


How do people join ?


If you don’t know us we can arrange an informal meeting to make contact and get to know you. You will need a proposer and a seconder. If by mutual agreement it is then decided that your application should proceed you will be interviewed by the Lodge committee and if all goes well the Lodge at large will then vote on the proposal for you to join us at ISM Lodge and become a freemason. This process can take anything between 3 months and a year.


So, as mentioned above, if you do feel you would like to become a freemason then join us. If you have any questions or want further information, please contact the Secretary.


Lodge Secretary

W. Bro. John Meehan
Telephone: Home 01276 682088

please contact via e-mail




Founded in 1902

© 2021 The ISM Freemasons Lodge 2881. 

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